Why Gonzaga?

“Where so ever you go, go with all your heart.” –Confucius
Selecting an online graduate program was immensely challenging because of my experience working in online higher education. I knew exactly what I wanted: a reputable and challenging academic program, a deep and fulfilling learning experience, a network of accomplished peers, distinguished faculty who desired to educate the next generation of communication scholars, and a university that delivers a punch with its name. Upon finding the right program, I would follow Confucius’s advice and pursue it with all my heart.
I found that remarkable program in the Master of Arts in Communication and Leadership Studies at Gonzaga University. As I researched my options, and there were many, Gonzaga repeatedly rose to the top of my list. It seemed to have the perfect blend of traditional and contemporary scholarship and student development.
I recently traveled to Spokane, Washington, to attend class sessions at Gonzaga University. After I introduced myself as the Director of Student Support for UNE’s online students, Professor Michael Hazel said, “You know how the sausage is made!” Indeed, I know “how the sausage is made” when it comes to online education. Because of that, I tell everyone who listens that Gonzaga is the place to pursue a communication graduate degree!

As a student, I can attest that the image that Gonzaga University exudes to the outside world is accurate. It is the ideal student experience. My student colleagues are remarkable individuals who bring meaningful and insightful dialogue to our class discussions. I have significant and positive interactions with my instructors. I am experiencing a transformative learning event. Perception and reality align at Gonzaga University.
Now halfway through my program, I understand my profession in an entirely new light. Having started my coursework in theory, I can predict and interpret causation and behavior. During my studies, I discovered computer-mediated communication. Applying that research to my strategies at work is taking my professional success to the next level. Only one year into to this program, I can report that my college at the University of New England boasts a 94% term-over-term retention rate. This evidence shows our communication efforts at the University of New England are successful!
Edward Everett Hale, an American author and Unitarian minister said, “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can still do something. And, because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.” Today, this something is pursuing the study of communication and then applying those lessons in my work and in my life.
By being successful in my studies, I can help others be successful in theirs. I am but one small part, but my part is critical. I must do it correctly, and I must do it with my whole heart.

Above: A group of graduates at the University of New England Online.