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Please note: The thoughts and opinions on this blog represent the personal opinions and ideas of Elizabeth Benz and not the University of New England or any other brand/entity listed within.
Student success hints from both sides of the screen
As an online education professional, I have researched, studied, and implemented best practices for online student success for thousands...
Why Gonzaga?
“Where so ever you go, go with all your heart.” –Confucius Selecting an online graduate program was immensely challenging because of my...
Six Communication Rules for Success in Online Student Groups
This article was originally published on October 5, 2016, on UNE Online's blog, VISION. “In this course you will have a group project…”...
Sailing the Academic Waters with Student Support
This article with original image by Elizabeth Benz was originally published on June 22, 2016, on the UNE Online Blog, VISION. The other...
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